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Non Captive NEMA 24 60x60mm Lead Screw Stepper Motor 2 Phase 1.8 Degree 3 A/Phase Nema 24 Non-Captive Lead Screw Linear Actuator

  • Motor frame size: NEMA 24 (60mmx60mm)
  • Phase: 2
  • Step angle: 1.8°
  • 60HSG47



Product Description

Product Description

The HOLRY' brand of hybrid Stepper Motor Linear Actuators come in five sizes, from 28 mm square to 86 mm square, corresponding to Nema size 11, size 14, size 17, size 23, and size 34. Each size has three to three form factors available - captive, non-captive and an external linear version.

There are over twenty different travels per step available, from. 0001563 inch (.00397 mm) to .003937 inch (1 mm). Microstepping can be used for even finer resolution.

A non-captive lead screw linear actuator is a type of linear actuator that converts rotary motion into linear motion using a lead screw. It is called non-captive because the lead screw is not attached to the motor shaft and can rotate freely, allowing for manual adjustment of the position of the actuator.

A NEMA 24 non-captive lead screw linear actuator is a specific type of non-captive lead screw linear actuator that uses a NEMA 24 stepper motor to provide rotary motion to the lead screw. The NEMA 24 designation refers to the standard size and mounting dimensions of the motor, which is commonly used in industrial and automation applications.


Features / Benefits

Easy integration

Much easier to integrate into an application; can be coupled with programmable controllers/drivers.

More precision

Provide higher level of precision in motion control (speed, torque and force can be modified at different stages during movement).


Actuators are not susceptible to leakages or contamination - safer, cleaner and more convenient.

Lower cost

More economical in the long run, require less maintenance, are rugged and easy to operate / install, last longer and can be reliably used in different environmental conditions.

Other benefits

With simple quick connect wires and cable, actuators can be easily assembled, are more compact, and operate quietly.



Kindly check our stepper motor catalog for full specifications.

Holry Stepper Motor Catalogue.pdf

The key differences between an external linear, non-captive, and captive motor is,




nema 17 lead screw stepper motor external nema 17 lead screw stepper motor non-captive nema 11 captive stepper motor
The external linear motor has the screw affixed to the rotor, so it rotates external to motor body, like a DC motor. The non captive screw travels freely in and out of the motor body and does not rotate. The captive has a short screw that is held mostly inside the motor body, coupled to a spline.
External linear motors are most akin to motorized rails where the nut is replaced by a driven carriage assembly.
Non captive is generally the shortest overall length assembly, while the captive is the longest.

Nema 24 Non-fixed Lead Screw Linear Actuator Parameters

Screw Diameter(mm)
Screw Lead(mm) Starts Step Length(1.8°) Step Length(mm)
9.525 1.27 1 0.0064 0.0032
9.525 2.54 1 0.0127 0.0064
9.525 3.175 1 0.0159 0.0079
9.525 5.08 4 0.0254 0.0127
9.525 6.35 4 0.0318 0.0159
9.525 9.525 4 0.0476 0.0238
9.525 10.16 8 0.0508 0.0254
9.525 12.7 4 0.0635 0.0318
9.525 25.4 8 0.1270 0.0635
10 2 1 0.0100 0.0050
10 4 2 0.0200 0.0100

End Machine Options

Screw Nut Options

lead screw stepper motor end machining options lead screw stepper motor nut collection
Please contact HOLRY for custom solutions.

Drawing of Non Captive NEMA 24 Lead Screw Stepper Motor

nema 24 Non-Captive Lead Screw Linear Actuator


Stepper Motor Applications



  • What is stepper motor and how it works?

    The stepper motor is an electromagnetic device that converts digital pulses into mechanical shaft rotation. Advantages of step motors are low cost, high reliability, high torque at low speeds and a simple, rugged construction that operates in almost any environment.

  • What is difference between DC and stepper motor?

    Some DC motors also generate high torques at low speeds, but are more suited towards continuous uses, as their torque is constant over their speed range. The main difference is that, while stepper motors can push harder from rest, DC motors tend to have more sustained output.
  • How are stepper motors controlled?

stepper motor control diagram

  • Why is it called stepper motor?

    Stepper motors are so named because each pulse of electricity turns the motor one step. Stepper motors are controlled by a driver, which sends the pulses into the motor causing it to turn.

  • What is step angle?

    Step angle is defined as the angle through which the stepper motor shaft rotates for each command pulse.

  • What is stepper motor torque?

    If external force is applied to a stepping motor when it is stopped but energized, the attractive force generated between the rotor and stator works to maintain the stop position of the motor. This torque of withstanding the external force is called the holding torque.

Contact Holry Support Team Now
Changzhou Holry Electric Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the development and production of stepper motors, hybrid stepper motor, CNC machine motor, screw motor, spindle motors, air cooled spindle, brushless motors, stepper motor screwstepper motor gearbox, servo motors and drive systems.


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